Best Podcasts for Web Designers

As a web designer and podcast fanatic, I listen to business podcasts all day while designing client websites and/or Showit Templates. There are tons of podcasts about business and web design that help designers stay up to date on the latest trends and strategies in the industry. From discussing new technologies and tools to sharing design inspiration, best practices, and SEO tips and tricks, these podcasts offer tons of value for entrepreneurs working in the web design industry.

In this post, I’ll be highlighting some of the best web design podcasts for business owners. I found that many web design podcasts stop posting new episodes over the last few years, so these are my favorites as of 2023. So, whether you’ve been in the industry for years or are just getting started in website design, I think you’ll love these podcasts and podcast hosts. I’ve linked each one so you can give them a listen.

1. Wealthy Web Designer by Becca Luna
I’m a huge fan of Becca Luna. So much so that I purchased her Wealthy Web Designer Course, Passive Passion Project Course, Site Canvas Vault, and CEO of Showit Course. For Showit website designers thinking about learning from Becca, I wrote a lengthy review of the Wealthy Web Designer and Passive Passion Project Courses that you can read here. WWD Review & PPP Review. (All of her courses are 15% off when you use my code DAYDREAMSITES15.

What I like about her podcast. Becca isn’t afraid to talk numbers. The income she makes from designing websites on Showit is wild. She interviews students to show their success, tells her story- also wild, and often has her sweet husband, Willow on the podcast too. Willow is super knowledgeable in Pinterest and I’ve learned a lot from him as well.

2. Breakthrough Brand Podcast with Elizabeth McCravy
Elizabeth Mccravy. I knew I wanted to do web design but I hated WordPress, Squarespace was pretty good, Wix was an instant no, and I knew I didn’t want to specialize in Shopify because I wanted to work with service-based businesses, not e-commerce.

I was listening to James Wedmore’s Mind Your Business Podcast **cannot recommend this one enough- It has literally changed my life and business**, back in 2020 and it’s an episode with Elizabeth McCravy talking about how she made $27,000 in five days designing website templates on Showit. Up until this point, I had never heard of Showit so I decided to do a free trial. I became OBSESSED with Showit. It was everything I wanted out of a web design platform. There are zero limits to what you can create, which I couldn’t 100% find with the other platforms I mentioned. There is no coding (who doesn’t love that) which was super important to me.

One of the reasons I dislike WordPress is how unnecessarily difficult it is to build a website. I’d have a vision in my head of what I wanted the site to look like, and it felt like I had to Google how to do the most basic things inside of WordPress, which completely killed my creativity. Showit was my answer. You can try Showit for free for an entire month here. As with anything, there was an initial learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll become obsessed.

So, I am eternally grateful for Elizabeth for introducing me to the web design platform, Showit, because it has completely changed my business. To listen to her episode on the Mind Your Business podcast, click here.

3. Align & Amplify with Kristin Richards

Kristin has one of those voices that you can listen to all day. Nothing irks me more than a podcast with great content but you can tell the host puts on this fake, almost salesy voice. Kristin doesn’t try to be anything she’s not. She’s so real, authentic, and genuine and it comes across in every episode.

I love that this podcast isn’t strictly web design tips (even though I can never get enough of this). But she’s not afraid to talk about the “woo-woo” side of business like working with your unconscious mind, manifesting, breathwork, and human design. When a new episode comes out, it’s an instant listen for me.

4. Brand It Built It by With Grace and Gold

If you’re more of a fan of shorter, bite-sized podcasts, this one’s for you. The hosts are super talented and have built an extremely successful web design business on Showit. These girls cut through the fluff and give you tangible tips you can implement in your business.

5. Web Design Business with Josh Hall

My favorite thing about this podcast is the number of episodes he puts out! There is a huge library of past episodes you can binge and he comes out with 2 new episodes a week (sometimes this changes, because life). Josh is a WordPress web designer, so all you Divi lovers will especially love this podcast. Even though I’m a Showit user myself, the lessons translate across all platforms. Tons of interviews, which I love and overall just super informative. l learn something new in every episode.

6. Branded by Bernel

If you’re a Showit user, you will especially love this podcast. A good mix of one on one interviews and solo episodes. Bernel is super inspiring and so easy to listen to. This is a new subscribe for me, when searching for web design podcasts from Showit designers. I’m excited to binge her past episodes.

7. Profitable Web Designer with Shannon Mattern

When I first heard this podcast, I thought WHERE do I know this voice from!? After a little digging, I realized Shannon is the host of Pep Talks for Side Hustlers (another fantastic podcast). Shannon does such a good job of covering the modern, creative web design business. She started this web design podcast in August of 2022 and I’m hoping she continues to release new episodes because it is SO good. I always learn something new here.

8. Duo on Air

This is also a new subscribe for me and I’m already obsessed. This gorgeous duo not only covers web design but digs deep into organic marketing and everything small business related. They cover SEO, starting a podcast, writing a book, how to write better copy, social media, and pretty much anything related to running a creative business in today’s world.

9. Local SEO Tactics
Local SEO Tactics was one of the first web design podcasts I subscribed to. Each episode is jam-packed with tangible, real-life examples, practices, and tips that you can immediately implement in your business. This is a no-fluff podcast that isn’t so much about design or aesthetics but about the nitty gritty SEO tactics that EVERY web designer should know. With episodes dating back to 2018, I’m confident you will learn everything there is to know about SEO by listening to this podcast.

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or are just started your website design business, I hope you give these podcasts a listen. I’ve learned so much from each of these and credit much of my success to the tips, stories, and advice these podcast hosts have shared. I’m curious what your favorite business or web design podcasts are! Leave your favorites in the comments below.

Best Web Design Podcasts

Website Design

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  1. Elizabeth says:

    Thank you so much for recommending the Breakthrough Brand Podcast on this post. 🙂 It means the world!!